
  • Install Netperf On Windows
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 11. 19:43

    The json data formatThe aggregated test data is saved in a file called.json.gz. This file contains the data pointsgenerated during the test, as well as some metadata.

    The top-level jsonobject has three keys in it: xvalues, results and metadata.xvalues is an array of the x values for the test data (typicallythe time values for timeseries data).results is a json object containing the result data series. The keysare the data series names; the value for each key is an array of yvalues for that data series. The data array has the same length as thexvalues array, but there may be missing data points (signified bynull values).metadata is an object containing various data points about the testrun. The metadata values are read in as configuration parameters whenthe data set is loaded in for further processing. Not all tests use allthe parameters, but they are saved anyway.Currently the metadata values are:.

    NAME: The test name. TITLE: Any extra title specified by the -t parameter when thetest was run. HOST: The server hostname connected to during the test.

    LOCALHOST: The hostname of the machine that ran the test. LENGTH: Test length in seconds, as specified by the -l parameter. TOTALLENGTH: Actual data series length, after the test has addedtime to the LENGTH.

    Iperf Netperf

    Iperf netperf

    STEPSIZE: Time step size granularity. TIME: ISO timestamp of the time the test was initiated.

    The Netperf HomepageWelcome to theNetperf HomepageFrom here you can retrieve information about netperf and theperformance of systems running the netperf benchmark. You can alsosubmit performance results for the benefit of the rest of the netperfcommunity.Netperf has migrated to!This website was also migrated in an effort to preserve any important historical documentation.Links have been updated and cleaned up as much as possible, but some may no longer work.Please read the and check theandfor more information.Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance ofmany different types of networking. It provides tests for bothunidirectional throughput, and end-to-end latency.

    The environmentscurrently measureable by netperf include:. TCP and UDP via BSD Sockets for both IPv4 and IPv6.

    DLPI. Unix Domain Sockets. SCTP for both IPv4 and IPv6Here are some of the netperf services available via this page:Clone or downloadvarious revisions of the Netperf benchmark.Submit and Retrieve Netperf results from the Netperf Database.View the Netperf manual or whitepapers on using Netperf.Providefeedback on the benchmark or the pages.The network performance world does not live on netperf alone.Happy Benchmarking!

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