
  • The End Of Economic Man The Origins Of Totalitarianism Pdf To Word
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    Contents. Quotes 1930s- 1950s. If war production should remain the only way out of a long-term depression, industrial society would be reduced to the choice between suicide through total war or suicide through total depression. Concept of the Corporation (1945). Note: compare 's January, 1961 Farewell Speech The End of Economic Man (1939) Peter Drucker, The End of Economic Man (1939). This is a political book. It has a political purpose: to strengthen the will to maintain freedom against the threat of its abandonment in favor of.

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    Foreword, p. Xxxv. is the result of the collapse of Europe's spiritual and social order. Catastrophes broke through the everyday routine which makes men accept existing forms, institutions and tenets as unalterable natural laws. They suddenly exposed the vacuum behind the facade of society.

    24. as a social order and as a creed is the expression of the belief in economic progress as leading toward the freedom and equality of the individual in a free and open society. Expects this society to result from the abolition of private profit. Capitalism expects the free and equal society to result from the enthronement of private profit as supreme ruler of social behavior. 37.

    There is an unbroken chain of opposition to the introduction of economic freedom and to the capitalist autonomy of the economic sphere. In every case the opposition could only be overcome - peacefully or by force - because of the promise of capitalism to establish equality. That this promise was an illusion we all know. 39. With Christianity, freedom and equality became the two basic concepts of; they are themselves Europe. 50.

    The masses must turn their hopes toward a miracle. In the depths of their despair reason cannot be believed, truth must be false, and lies must be truth.

    'Higher bread prices,' 'lower bread prices,' 'unchanged bread prices' have all failed. The only hope lies in a kind of bread price which is none of these, which nobody has ever seen before, and which belies the evidence of one's reason. 84 The Future of Industrial Man (1942) Peter Drucker, The Future of Industrial Man (1942).

    No can function as a society, unless it gives the individual member social status and function, and unless the decisive social power is legitimate. 28.

    In the modern corporation the decisive power, that of the, is derived from no one but the managers themselves controlled by nobody and nothing and responsible to no one. It is in the most literal sense unfounded, unjustified, uncontrolled and irresponsible power. 64. Unless the power of the corporation can be organized on an accepted principle of legitimacy, it will. Be taken over by a Central government. 96.

    We have only one alternative: either to build a functioning industrial or see freedom itself disappear in anarchy and tyranny. 96.

    Unless we realize that the essence of is also an attempt to solve a universal problem of Western civilization - that of the industrial society - and that the basic principles on which the Nazis base this attempt are also in no way confined to Germany, we do not know what we fight for or what we fight against. The war is being fought for the structure of industrial society-its basic principles, its purposes, and its institutions. 107-108. Political freedom is neither easy nor automatic, neither pleasant nor secure. It is the responsibility of the individual for the decisions of society as if they were his own decisions-as in moral truth and accountability they are. 115 The New Society (1950) Peter Drucker, The New Society (1950).

    For if this country. Were to make its defense program a function of its domestic employment situation, it would become impossible to conduct a constructive and well-thought out foreign policy or to develop any lasting collaboration. Note: compare 's January, 1961 Farewell Speech.

    That the government's power under the Taft-Hartley Act to stop a strike by injunction so clearly strengthens the hand of the employer-even though it is used only when a strike threatens the national health, welfare, or safety-is a grave blemish and explains much of union resistance to the Act. We still think and talk of the basic problems of an industrial society as problems that can be solved by changing the system, that is the superstructure of political organization. Yet the real problems lie within the industrial enterprise.our representative institution. A mirror in which we look when we want to see ourselves. The major incentive to productivity and efficiency are social and moral rather than financial.

    The End Of Economic Man The Origins Of Totalitarianism Pdf To Word

    What the worker needs is to see the plant as if he were a manager. Only thus can he see his part, from his part he can reach the whole. This 'seeing' is not a matter of information, training courses, conducted plant tours, or similar devices. What is needed is the actual experience of the whole in and through the individual's work. The Practice of Management (1954) Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management New York,: Harper, 1st ed. 1954; Routledge, 2012.

    There is only one valid definition of a: to create a. 37. Free enterprise cannot be justified as being good for. It can be justified only as being good for society. 41.

    The days of the 'intuitive' are numbered. 93, cited in (2005) Managers Not MBAs (2005). 10. A man should never be appointed into a if his vision focuses on people's weaknesses rather than on their strengths.

    157. The better a man is, the more will he make - for the more new things he will try. I would never promote a man into a top level job who had not made mistakes, and big ones at that. Otherwise he is sure to be mediocre. 147.

    It does not follow from the separation of and doing in the analysis of work that the planner and the doer should be two different people. It does not follow that the industrial world should be divided into two classes of people: a few who decide what is to be done, design the job, set the pace, rhythm and motions, and order others about; and the many who do what and as they are told. 284. It does not matter whether the worker wants or not.The enterprise must demand it of him. 304.

    The fundamental reality for every worker, from sweeper to executive vice-president, is the eight hours or so that he spends on the. In our society of organizations, it is the job through which the great majority has access to achievement, to fulfillment, and to community. 327. A sets objectives - A manager organizes - A manager motivates and communicates - A manager, by establishing yardsticks, measures - A manager develops people. 344.

    The is not and must never claim to be home, family, religion, life or fate for the individual. It must never interfere in his private life or his citizenship. He is tied to the company through a voluntary and cancellable employment contract, not through some mystical or indissoluble bond. 387. is being attacked not because it is inefficient or misgoverned but because it is cynical. And indeed a society based on the assertion that private vices become public benefits cannot endure, no matter how impeccable its logic, no matter how great its benefits. 392 Landmarks of Tomorrow: A Report on the New 'Post-Modern' World (1959) Peter F.

    Drucker, Landmarks of Tomorrow: A Report on the New 'Post-Modern' World, New York: Harper & Row, 1959. We no longer even understand the question whether is by itself good or bad.We start out with the axiom that it is the norm.

    We do not see change as altering the order. We see change as being order itself-indeed the only order we can comprehend today is a dynamic, a moving, a changing one. 22. An organization belongs on a sick list when promotion becomes more important to its people than accomplishment of their job they are in.

    It is sick when it is more concerned with avoiding mistakes than with taking risks, with counteracting the weaknesses of its members than with building on their strength. But it is sick also when 'good human relations' become more important than performance and achievement. 93-94. The moment people talk of 'implementing' instead of 'doing,' and of 'finalizing' instead of 'finishing,' the organization is already running a fever. 94. The individual needs the return to spiritual values, for he can survive in the present human situation only by reaffirming that man is not just a biological and psychological being but also a spiritual being, that is creature, and existing for the purposes of his Creator and subject to Him.

    The End Of Economic Man The Origins Of Totalitarianism Pdf To Word Online

    126. In the political, the social, the economic, even the cultural sphere, the revolutions of our time have been revolutions 'against' rather than revolutions 'for' On the whole throughout this period the man-or party-that stood for doing the positive has usually cut a pathetic figure; well meaning but ineffectual, civilized but unrealistic, he was suspect alike to by both the ultras of destruction and the ultras of preservation and restoration. 111. Throughout the ages to be educated meant to be unproductive. Our word 'school' - and its equivalent in all European languages - derives from a Greek word meaning 'leisure.' 115.

    Tomorrow everybody - or practically everybody - will have had the of the upper class of yesterday, and will expect equivalent opportunities. That is why we face the problem of making every kind of job meaningful and capable of satisfying every educated man. 121. The arts alone give direct access to experience. To eliminate them from education - or worse, to tolerate them as cultural ornaments - is antieducational obscurantism. It is foisted on us by the pedants and snobs of Hellenistic Greece who considered artistic performance fit only for slaves. 144.

    In book subjects a student can only do a student's work. All that can be measured is how well he learns, rather than how well he performs. All he can show is promise.

    144. No matter how deeply wedded one may be to the free enterprise system (and I, for one, am wedded for life), one has to accept the need for positive government; one has to consider government action on a sizable scale as desirable rather than as a necessary evil. 178. Communism is evil.

    Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred. 249. Through systematic terror, through indoctrination, through systematic manipulation of stimulus, reward, and punishment, we can today break man and convert him into brute. The first step toward survival is therefore to make legitimate again by attempting to deprive it of these powers. By international action to ban such powers. 258 1960s - 1980s.

    Morale in an organization does not mean that 'people get along together'; the test is performance not conformance. The Effective Executive (1966). Large organizations cannot be versatile. A large organization is effective through its mass rather than through its agility. Fleas can jump many times their own height, but not an elephant.

    The Age of Discontinuity (1969). The is not yet a community-not even an economic community.Yet the existence of the 'global shopping center' is a fact that cannot be undone. The vision of an economy for all will not be forgotten again. The Age of Discontinuity (1969). If 'socialism' is defined as 'ownership of the means of production'-and this is both the orthodox and the only rigorous definition-then the United States is the first truly Socialist country.

    The Pension Fund Revolution (1976). Whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission. Adventures of a Bystander (1979) (Autobiography).

    Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations; most computer users have found that they now need more, and more expensive clerks, even though they call them 'operators' or 'programmers. Drucker cited in: William White (1981) Library journal. Volume 106, Nr 1-12.

    1048. All economic activity is by definition 'high risk.' And defending yesterday-that is, not innovating-is far more risky than making tomorrow. Innovations and Entrepreneurship (1985).

    Ideas are somewhat like babies-they are born small, immature, and shapeless. They are promise rather than fulfillment. In the innovative company executives do not say, 'This is a damn-fool idea.' Instead they ask, 'What would be needed to make this embryonic, half-baked, foolish idea into something that makes sense, that is an opportunity for us?' .

    The Frontiers of Management (1986) MANAGEMENT: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (1973) Peter F. Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York: Harper & Row, 1973. The citizen of today in every developed country is typically an employee. He works for one of the institutions.

    He looks to them for his livelihood. He looks to them for his opportunities. He looks to them for access to status and function in society, as well as for personal fulfillment and achievement. The citizen of 1900 if employed worked for a small family-type operation; the small pop-and-mom store employing a helper or two; the family household; and so on. And of course, the great majority of people in those days, except in the most highly industrialized countries—such as Britain or Belgium—worked on the farm. Our society has become an employee society. In the early 1900s people asked, “What do you do?” Today they tend to ask, “Whom do you work for?”.

    p. 4. Without institution there is no management. But without management there is no institution. 5. We will have to learn to lead people rather then to contain them. 30.

    A primary task of management in the developed countries in the decades ahead will be to make knowledge productive. 32 Part 1. A management decision is irresponsible if it risks disaster this year for the sake of a grandiose future.

    43. The only thing we know about the future is that it is going to be different. 44. The prevailing economic theory of business enterprise and behavior, the maximization of profit—which is simply a complicated way of phrasing the old saw of buying cheap and selling dear—may adequately explain how Richard Sears operated. But it cannot explain how Sears, Roebuck or any other business enterprise operates, nor how it should operate. The concept of profit maximization is, in fact, meaningless. 59 (1986; 45).

    Profit is not a cause but a result-. p. 71. Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it. 88. The basic definition of the and of its and mission have to be translated into objectives. 99.

    It is better to pick the wrong priority than none at all. 119. Decisions exist only in the present.

    125. The fault is in the system and not in the men. 140. Note: see 'Blame the process, not the people.' . A success that has outlived its usefulness may, in the end, be more damaging than failure. 159.

    One cannot hire a hand; the whole man always comes with it. 169. was the first man in recorded history who deemed work deserving of systematic observation and study. On Taylor's ' rests, above all, the tremendous surge of affluence in the last seventy-five years which has lifted the working masses in the developed countries well above any level recorded before, even for the well-to-do. Taylor, though the Isaac Newton (or perhaps the Archimedes) of the science of work, laid only first foundations, however. Not much has been added to them since – even though he has been dead all of sixty years. 181.

    As with every phenomenon of the objective, the first step toward understanding is to it. 182. 'Loafing' is easy, but 'leisure' is difficult. 185. The first step toward making the worker achieving is to make work productive. 199.

    When said, 'The can have a car in any color as long as it's black,' he was not joking. 209. A tool is not necessarily better because it is bigger. A tool is best if it does the job required with a minimum of effort, with a minimum of complexity, and with a minimum of power. 224.

    An employer has no business with a man's personality. Employment is a specific contract calling for a specific performance. Any attempt to go beyond that is usurpation. It is immoral as well as an illegal intrusion of privacy. It is abuse of power. An employee owes no 'loyalty,' he owes no 'love' and no 'attitudes'-he owes performance and nothing else. The task is not to change personality, but to enable a person to achieve and to perform.

    229. The society of organizations is new-only seventy years ago employees were a small minority in every society. 284. Management has authority only as long as it performs.

    301. It has been said, and only half in jest, that a tough, professionally led union is a great force for improving management performance. It forces the manager to think about what he is doing and to be able to explain his actions and behavior. 303. And no matter how serious an environmental problem the automobile poses in today's big city, the horse was dirtier, smelled worse, killed and maimed more people, and congested the streets just as much.

    317. Wherever an impact can be eliminated by dropping the activity that causes it, this is therefore the best-indeed the only truly good-solution. 333.

    The is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it. 343. We do not need more. No country suffers from a shortage of laws. We need a new. 364 Part 2.

    The worker's effectiveness is determined largely by the way he is being managed. 380. To be a requires more than a title, a big office, and other outward symbols of rank.


    It requires competence and performance of a high order. 398.

    A superior who works on his own development sets an almost irresistible example. 427. The purpose of an organization is to enable common men to do uncommon things. 455. Executives do many things in addition to making decisions. But only executives make decisions. The first managerial skill is, therefore, the making of effective decisions.

    465. One has to make a decision when a condition is likely to degenerate if nothing is done. 475. is always '.' The always wants 'to get something across.' 487.

    The tool user, provided the tool is made well, need not, and indeed should not, know anything about the tool. 513. The first in the modern West was laid down in the of the eight hundred years ago. 525.

    One reason for the tremendous increase in health-care costs in the U.S. Is managerial neglect of the 'hotel services' by the people who dominate the hospital, such as doctors and nurses.

    539. The rule should be to minimize the need for people to get together to accomplish anything. 548 Part 3.

    Top management as a function and as a structure was first developed by (1839-1901) in between 1870 and 1880, when he designed and built the and made it, within a very few years, into continental Europe's leading and most dynamic financial institution. 605. There is a point at which a has to take place. 640. ' is a meaningless concept for a retail business, for a bank, for a life insurance company, and for any other which is not primarily engaged in manufacturing. 647.

    Absolute size by itself is no indicator of success and achievement, let alone of managerial competence. Being the right size is. 672. Engineers speak half–jokingly about: ' If anything can go wrong, it will.' But complexity stands under a second law as well.

    Let me call it Drucker's law: 'If one thing goes wrong, everything else will, and at the same time.' 681. There is a point of beyond which a is no longer manageable. 681.

    ' is a will-o'-the-wisp.It looks good on paper, but it fails to work out in practice. 707. The is till based on the concept of the national. For the first time therefore, in three hundred years and are becoming divorced from each other. 739.

    Organizationally what is required - and evolving - is. 761. as a goal, to repeat, is., the American philosopher, talked of the 'bitch goddess success.' A of today might well talk of the 'bitch goddess growth.' 780.

    The End Of Economic Man The Origins Of Totalitarianism Pdf To Word Converter

    There is every indication that the period ahead will be an innovative one, one of rapid change in, and. 803 (last page) 1990s and later. One of the great movements in my lifetime among educated people is the need to commit themselves to action. Most people are not satisfied with giving money; we also feel we need to work. That is why there is an enormous surge in the number of unpaid staff, volunteers.

    The End Of Economic Man The Origins Of Totalitarianism Pdf To Word

    The needs are not going to go away. Is not going to take up the slack, and government cannot. 'New Priorities' Dancing Toward The Future, (1992).

    has another answer: human existence is possible as existence not in despair, as existence not in tragedy; it is possible as existence in faith. Faith is the belief that in God the impossible is possible, that in Him time and eternity are one, that both life and death are meaningful. The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition (1993). For the social ecologist language is not 'communication.' It is not just 'message.' It is substance.

    It is the cement that holds humanity together. It creates community and communication.Social ecologists need not be 'great' writers; but they have to be respectful writers, caring writers. The Ecological Vision (1993). That people even in well paid jobs choose ever earlier retirement is a severe indictment of our organizations - not just, but government service, the universities.

    These people don't find their jobs interesting. The Shape of Things to Come: An Interview with Peter F. Drucker Leader to Leader, No. 1 (Summer 1996). What's absolutely unforgivable is the financial benefit top management people get for laying off people. There is no excuse for it. No justification.

    This is morally and socially unforgivable, and we will pay a heavy price for it. A cantankerous interview with Peter Drucker, Wired (August 1996). Thirty years from now the big university campuses will be relics. Universities won't survive. It's as large a change as when we first got the printed book. Do you realize that the cost of higher education has risen as fast as the cost of health care? And for the middle-class family, college education for their children is as much of a necessity as is medical care—without it the kids have no future.

    Such totally uncontrollable expenditures, without any visible improvement in either the content or the quality of education, means that the system is rapidly becoming untenable. Higher education is in deep crisis., Forbes (March 10, 1997). Universities won't survive. The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom.

    Distance learning is coming on fast., Forbes (June 16, 1997).human beings need community. If there are no communities available for constructive ends, there will be destructive, murderous communities. Only the social sector, that is, the nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, can create what we now need, communities for citizens. What the dawning 21st century needs above all is equally explosive growth of the nonprofit social sector in building communities in the newly dominant social environment, the city. Civilizing the City, Leader to Leader, No.

    7 (Winter 1998).all earlier pluralist societies destroyed themselves because no one took care of the common good. They abounded in communities but could not sustain community, let alone create it. The New Pluralism Leader to Leader, No. 14 (Fall 1999). Knowing Yourself.We also seldom know what gifts we are not endowed with.

    We will have to learn where we belong, what we have to learn to get the full benefit from our strengths, where our weaknesses lie, what our values are. We also have to know ourselves temperamentally: 'Do I work well with people, or am I a loner? What am I committed to? And what is my contribution?'

    . Managing Knowledge Means Managing Oneself Leader to Leader, No. 16 (Spring 2000).the information revolution. Almost everybody is sure.that it is proceeding with unprecedented speed; and.that its effects will be more radical than anything that has gone before. Wrong, and wrong again.

    InTheEnd of Economic Man, long recognized as a cornerstone work, Peter F.Drucker explains and interprets fascism and Nazism as fundamentalrevolutions. In some ways, this book anticipated by more than a decade theexistentialism that came to dominate the European political mood in thepostwar period. Drucker provides a special addition to the massive literatureon existentiali InTheEnd of Economic Man, long recognized as a cornerstone work, Peter F.Drucker explains and interprets fascism and Nazism as fundamentalrevolutions. In some ways, this book anticipated by more than a decade theexistentialism that came to dominate the European political mood in thepostwar period. Drucker provides a special addition to the massive literatureon existentialism and alienation since World War II.

    TheEnd of EconomicManis a social and political effort to explain the subjective consequences ofthe social upheavals caused by warfare.

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